Memorial Day Murph: A Plan to Be Ready
CrossFit has become incredibly popular and rightfully so as the benefits are endless. The Murph Hero WOD, completed every Memorial Day is noted as one of the most difficult CrossFit workouts. This workout is done in honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who died in Afghanistan in 2005. Murph is a grueling test of endurance, strength, and mental toughness.
For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run
The pull-ups, push-ups, and squats may be partitioned as needed and the prescribed version of this workout requires a 20-lb vest for males and 14-lb vest for females.
Are you participating in the CrossFit tradition and tackling the hero workout, Murph? Here are some tips on how to prep mentally and physically:
Train for Murph: Consistency is key when it comes to CrossFit. Murph contains a high volume of pull ups, push-ups and squats. It is important to build volume leading up to Memorial Day. You should be training at least three to four times a week to build up your endurance and strength. Incorporate a mix of cardio and strength training exercises into your routine to prepare for the Murph workout. Follow this breakdown to be better prepared:
Week 1 - Cindy
Week 2 - 50% Murph
Week 3 - 60% Murph
Week 4 - 75% Murph
Week 5 - Deload
Week 6 - Memorial Day Murph
Practice Running: With two miles of running in a weighted vest, it is important to develop your endurance and speed by incorporating interval training and hill runs into your routine.
Partition the Reps: Murph contains a high volume of pull-ups, push-ups and squats. One approach is to partition the reps or break them up into manageable sets. Consider these options:
5 sets of 20 pull-ups, 40 push-ups, 60 squats
10 sets of 10 pull-ups, 20 push-ups, 30 squats
20 sets of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats
Grab a partner and split rounds.
Practice Pull-ups and Push-ups: While both push-ups and pull-ups are challenging, the push-ups tend to be the bottleneck that slow people down. Begin building your volume a minimum of 6 weeks out. Do 25 push-ups daily week one, 50 week two, 75 week 3 and continue building.
Wear Appropriate Clothes: Choose clothing that is comfortable, lightweight, and breathable. If you are wearing a vest, make sure to wear a t-shirt to protect your skin from chaffing. You should also wear shoes that provide good support for running.
Hydrate and Fuel Up: Grab a Liquid IV, LMNT or some sort of electrolyte and start hydrating first thing in the morning. Make sure you are hydrated and well-fueled before the workout.
Get Enough Rest: Rest is just as important as training when it comes to preparing for the Murph workout. Make sure you are getting enough rest and recovery time between workouts to prevent injury and improve performance.
The Murph workout is not for the faint of heart. It requires a lot of mental and physical preparation. Follow these tips to prepare and remember to listen to your body during the workout. Good luck!