October Program Focus
We had some gaps with CAP. We all felt it. In an effort to fill the gaps, not only did I revise workouts daily but I have done extensive research to find a better fit. I am super pumped for what we have in store. And I know you all will be too!
We are now offering two class levels (instead of RX, Intermediate and Beginner):
Performance: traditional high-skill, high-power, and high-excitement version. This level will be easily adjustable to suit ANY level of athlete.
Fitness: moderate skill, moderate loading, and moderate volume. It will keep athletes moving and performing workouts that are more simple but highly effective.
Additionally, we will have new tracks that you can complete during before, after classes and at Open Gym (24/7 Access now available.)
Compete: 30-45min of additional work 5x/week that will prepare competitors to crush the Open.
Flex: will deliver amazing pumps all year long. This program is an amazing solution for athletes that want to look good and feel good without racing the clock or as extra credit!
GO: This is our at-home variation.
October is going to kick off our final two strength cycles of the year! This month and next month, we will see wave loading for two different sets of movements, and this month will revolve around the Power Clean, Bench Press, and Overhead Squat.
We will see these movements once a week in a strength session that will gradually build us to heavy doubles and then finish off with a 1RM attempt. While this won’t be a test/ retest strength cycle because it’s so short, we are confident we can see some serious progress over the five weeks to put a nice bow on the end of the year.
We will also see a gymnastics skill session once a week to help continue the things we learned/ improved upon throughout the year! The overall conditioning through the end of the year will get back to more consistent GPP…this means we will see a more even split of time domains across the weeks which will prime us nicely for the CF Open that’s right around the corner!
The last piece of this month will include an optional finisher for Chad, the Hero WOD we will be completing on Veterans Day. It is build-up and is meant to be done outside of class times. We are looking forward to starting the final three months of the year, so let’s get to work!